This application interfaces a dcf receiver module to a BASIC Stamp.

This application interfaces a dcf receiver module to a BASIC Stamp. The dcf module receives time information from the standard time transmitter in Mainflingen (Germany).

The basic stamp converts this information to rs-232. Each second it output's a complete time string at 2400 bps. A description of this application can be found in Elektuur 7/8 1996.

More information about BASIC stamps can be found at the site of:

The schematic diagram:

And here are some pictures from the prototype:

The box with the electronics. On the left the Rs-232 and a DC input connector. In the middle are 3 small pieces of glassfibre which makes the LED's visible.
Here is the top cover removed. On the left the three LED's, in the middle, the DCF receiver module, on the right the Basic stamp chips.
A close up of the DCF ferrite antenna.
A close up of the pc board.

